Studio e analisi dei processi fisici, chimici e biologici che determinano il funzionamento e la dinamica degli agro-ecosistemi negli ambienti a clima mediterraneo, per il miglioramento quali-quantitativo delle produzioni, per l’ottimizzazione dell’uso delle risorse naturali, e per la valorizzazione delle funzioni dei sistemi agricoli e forestali. Sviluppo e applicazione di metodi di ricerca e di innovazioni tecnologiche avanzate per il monitoraggio e la previsione degli impatti e delle risposte degli ecosistemi agrari e forestali alle pressioni antropiche e climatiche.

L’ISAFOM afferisce al Dipartimento di Scienze Bio-Agroalimentari del CNR ed ha una "massa critica" di 89 unità ripartito tra le sedi di Portici - NA (sede centrale), Catania, Rende (CS), e Perugia.

A new Special Issue of Water (ISSN 2073-4441)

The term global change refers to every planetary-scale change that can occur in each of the subsystems of the Earth. Among these subsystems, climate is particularly relevant, and includes processes involving ocean, land, and sea ice, in addition to the atmosphere.

The European continent, which covers countries with different climatic features and forcing factors, could be affected by different trends in the main climatic variables and, consequently, by different impacts. Moreover, the Mediterranean basin, which is one of the 25 global biodiversity hotspots, represents a region where the impact of global change can be more intense and diffuse.

Within this context, the overall goal of this Special Issue of Water is to focus research and analyses on these areas, starting from high-quality databases of climatic variables. Interdisciplinary original research articles highlighting new ideas, approaches, and innovations in the spatial and temporal analysis of the main climatological variables (rainfall, temperature, wind, etc.) and the analysis of future scenarios using GCM projections are welcome. Moreover, evaluations of the possible impacts of these tendencies on various sectors, such as water resources, agriculture, hydrogeological risk, and energy productions, could offer strategic and useful means to cope with global change for the population and the economic sectors of this area.

Dr. Roberto Coscarelli
Dr. Tommaso Caloiero
Guest Editors

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