Primo Ricercatore

Titolo PhD    

email: rossella.albrizio[at]

Skype: rossoalbero

Tel: +39  06. 4993 (int. 27528) 




  • Classical Studies (1988), Bari. Final Degree: 60/60
  • Bachelor in Agriculture Sciences (1993), Faculty of Agriculture Sciences, University of Bari, Italy. Final degree: 110/110 cum laude. 
  • Post Graduate Specialization Diplomain “Irrigation Program” (1995) International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM-IAMB), Italy. Final degree: A-excellent. 
  • “Irrigation Program” (1997). International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic studies, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM-IAMB), Italy. Final degree: A-excellent
  • Ph.D. in “Mediterranean Agronomy” (8/2/2001). Faculty of Agriculture Sciences, University of Bari, Italy
  • Post-Doc Fellow in “Mediterranean Agronomy” (2003-2004). Faculty of Agriculture Sciences, University of Bari, Ital



  • Since 2008: Permanent Research Scientist at National Research Council of Italy, Institute for Agricultural and Forestry Systems in the Mediterranean (CNR-ISAFOM)
  • 2005-2007: Research Scientist at International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (CIHEAM-IAMB), Via Ceglie, 9 -70010 Valenzano (Bari), Italy.
  • 2005, 2011: Consultant Scientist at FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, Roma
  • 2001-2002: Research Scientist at International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari Via Ceglie, 9 -70010 Valenzano (Bari), Italy
  • 2000: Research Fellow at CNR-ISOI, Via Amendola, 122, 70123, Bari
  • 1999: Visiting Scientist at Nottingham University, Department of Agriculture and Horticulture, Sutton Bonington Campus, LE12 5RD, UK



Environmental crop eco-physiology and agronomy; crop response to abiotic stresses, with special emphasis on drought and salinity; gas-exchange measurements at both leaf and canopy scales on field crops and vegetables; stomatal and non stomatal limitations to photosynthesis; evapotranspiration; water relations; crop modelling



  • Responsibility: 2011-2014: responsible scientist of the CNR-ISAFOM unit for the EU (EC, Sustainable Water Integrated Management (SWIM) Demonstration Projects) project: “Adaptation to Climate Change of Mediterranean Agricultural Systems” (ACLIMAS)
  • Responsibility: 2011-2014: responsible scientist of the CNR-ISAFOM unit for the MIUR (PON-REC) project: “Filiere agro-industriali integrate ad elevata efficienza energetica per la messa a punto di processi di Produzione Eco-compatibili di Energia e Bio-chemicals da fonte rinnovabile e per la valorizzazione del territorio” (ENERBIOCHEM)
  • 2005-2009: responsible scientist of the CIHEAM-IAMB unit for the EU (EC, FP6-2002-INCO­MPC-1/STREP) project: "Management Improvements of water use efficiency and nitrogen use efficiency of Mediterranean strategic crops -wheat & barley -" (WatNitMed). 2006-2007: responsible scientist of the CIHEAM-IAMB unit for the EU (EC, FP6-2006-INCO­MPC/SSA-2) project: “Evaluation of the water use efficiency indicators in the Mediterranean Region” (WEMED).
  • Participation in research projects as associate scientist (a selection):2011-2013: MEF project on: “Valorizzazione della filiera produttiva di colture strategiche e sviluppo di tecniche innovative per l’ottenimento di prodotti IV gamma e prodotti gluten-free” (CISIA – Made in Italy). 2010-2014: Regione Campania project (PSR Campania 2007/2013 – Misura 214) on: “Salvaguardia della biodiversità vegetale della Campania (SALVE)”. 2010-2013: Regione Campania project (PSR Campania 2007/2013– Misura 124) on: “Zonazione Viticola a Scala Aziendale” (ZOVISA).2005-2008: International EU research project (EC, FP6-2002-INCO-MPC-1/STREP) on “Deficit Irrigation for Mediterranean Agricultural Systems”(DIMAS). 2002-2005: International EU Thematic Network (EC-VFP-INCO-MED-2002-10013) on: “Water Saving in Mediterranean agriculture” (WASAMED). 2000: International cooperation project “InterReg II Italia-Albania-ASSE6, MISURA 6.2, SOTTOMISURA 6.2.C” on: “Irrigazione, concimazione e avvicendamenti di colture orticole”.1997-1999: CNR international coordinated research project (CNR-06-1997) on: “Effect of carbon dioxide exchange fluxes of field crops on the atmospheric carbon balance”1996-2003: Research Mediterranean Network on: “Water Use Efficiency” (WUE_Net).



  • 2005-present  :PhD. (2) and international M.Sc. (12) student supervisor within the PhD programme in “Mediterranean Agronomy” at the University of Bari and the International Master Programme in “Land and water resources management: irrigated agriculture” at the CIHEAM-IAMB, respectively.2009: lecturer (10 hours) of: “Crop growth modeling: eco-physiological and engineering aspects” module within the course on: “Technological innovations and advanced models of land and water resources management in the Mediterranean and Balkan areas” at CIHEAM, IAMB. 2009:Seminar (3 hours) on: “Gas exchanges monitoring at leaf and canopy scales, under different stress conditions”, within the international course on “Functional Biology of stress in crops”, Italian Society of Agronomy. 2010-present: lecturer (24 hours) of:“Ecophysiology of crop response to environmental parameters” module within the Master of Science Programme in “Mediterranean Organic Agriculture” at CIHEAM, IAMB.


OTHER 2008-2012

  • She is contributing to the conceptualization, development, calibration, validation, an testing of AquaCrop model (developed by FAO) and to the writing of Irrigation & Drainage Paper 66, Yield Response to Water ( 2007: applicant as expert in the Seventh Research Framework Programme. 2005-present -Peer reviewer for the following scientific journals: Scientia Horticulturae, Hortscience,Agricultural & Water Management, Journal of Arid Environments, Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, Agricultural & Forest Meteorology, Field Crops Research, Irrigation Science, Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology, Photosynthetica; Plant Science, Journal of Experimental Botany.

Publications on People Platform

At 30 january 2015 (by "Web of Science"):

H-index: 9;

Times cited: 326

Times cited without self citations: 304








At 30 january 2015 (by "Web of Science"):

H-index: 9;

Times cited: 326

Times cited without self citations: 304

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