Istituto: ISAFOM
Indirizzo sede: Via della madonna alta 128 - 06128 - Perugia
Referente: Roberto Altieri
Tel. ufficio: 075 5014540
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Built in house, COMPOSTER is an air-forced automated device, including two 35-liters’ bioreactors, able to compost properly and in short time (about 30 days) organic residues under controlled aerobic condition. COMPOSTER simulates a real composting environment and it analyzes in real time the emissions released from the in situ microbiota driving the biodegradation of the organic waste mixture which should be properly arranged at the beginning of the trial.
The air flow rate of each bioreactor is managed by separate mass flow controller able to keep the oxygen concentration in the exhausted air within a chosen optimal aerobic value (>10%). Temperature of the biomass, pressure and temperature of the inlet and outlet airflow, are monitored throughout the trial as well as the weight loss of the bioreactors placed on scales, while the concentrations of oxygen, carbon dioxide are recorded from the exhausted air by means of specific detectors. Ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and VOCs can be monitored on demand, arranging appropriate traps and/or easy sampling.
Acquisition of signals, control of actuators, remote software supervision, data elaboration and monitoring are performed by means of fit-for-purpose integration of hardware and software created in NI LabVIEW environment.
All parameters measured, except ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and VOCs, are recorded, plotted and promptly displayed in tables, graphs and spreadsheets, showing on video in real time patterns of biodegradation occurring in both bioreactors.
COMPOSTER was set-up in house by testing different organic mixtures with appropriate C/N, moisture content and porosity.
While running a test and without stopping it, bioreactors can be easily opened to collect samples for further chemical-physical and microbiological analysis.
COMPOSTER releases a real mass balance of composting as well as a Dynamic Respiration Index (DRI) value which gives information on the on biological stability reached by the compost during the trial.
COMPOSTER can be exploited for conducting innovative biodegradability test for synthetic compounds, like pesticides or others, evaluating a wide range of specific aerobic biodegradation scenarios (mineral soil, compost, growth media, etc).
Possible service
- By monitoring emissions, COMPOSTER may lead to optimize those parameters which influence the release of greenhouse gases (GHG); this may help composting companies in comply the even more restrictive rules imposed by Regulators for reducing its environmental impact, thus increasing the carbon content in the product (mature compost). Target customers: composting company
- COMPOSTER runs efficiently and in short time composting trials of wide range of organic residues thus releasing end products (mature compost) that can be exploited for specific agronomical uses, such as peat surrogate in the preparation of growth media for plant cultivation in nursery. Target customers: plant nursery.
- Given its versatility, COMPOSTER can be easily adapted for running respiration tests for long term analyses under differently chosen aerobic biodegradation scenarios; target customer: private and public research institutions.