Studio e analisi dei processi fisici, chimici e biologici che determinano il funzionamento e la dinamica degli agro-ecosistemi negli ambienti a clima mediterraneo, per il miglioramento quali-quantitativo delle produzioni, per l’ottimizzazione dell’uso delle risorse naturali, e per la valorizzazione delle funzioni dei sistemi agricoli e forestali. Sviluppo e applicazione di metodi di ricerca e di innovazioni tecnologiche avanzate per il monitoraggio e la previsione degli impatti e delle risposte degli ecosistemi agrari e forestali alle pressioni antropiche e climatiche.

L’ISAFOM afferisce al Dipartimento di Scienze Bio-Agroalimentari del CNR ed ha una "massa critica" di 89 unità ripartito tra le sedi di Portici - NA (sede centrale), Catania, Rende (CS), e Perugia.

Foods 20209(9), 1161

Quali-quantitative analyses of anthocyanins and non-anthocyanin phenolic compounds performed with the use of liquid chromatography coupled with high resolution mass spectrometry, were evaluated in juice of pomegranate fruits (‘Dente di Cavallo’), in relation to different light exposures (North, South, West and East). A total of 16 compounds were identified, including phenolic acids, flavonoids, hydrolysable tannins, and anthocyanins, known for their health-promoting effects.

Striking differences were observed about the total phenolic content, which was high in juices from fruits with east- and north-facing position, while it was lower in juices facing south. The greatest contents of total flavonoids and anthocyanins were recorded in fruit juices with southern exposure; however, there are no great differences in the content in phenolic acids. Tannins were mainly synthesized in fruit juices with West exposure. The results showed that the position within the tree had no significant effects on color juice, however, it significantly (p < 0.05) affected data on fruit weight, soluble sugars and juice yield. Remarkable synergies existed among polyphenols and phytochemicals in pomegranate juice, but collecting fruits with different solar exposure could enhance different health benefits, i.e., the juices with higher polyphenols content could have more anticancer effect or those with higher tannins content could have more antimicrobial effect. View Full-Text

by Vita Di StefanoSalvatore ScandurraAntonella PagliaroVincenzo Di Martino and Maria Grazia Melilli

Correspondence: Maria Grazia Melilli Institute for Agricultural and Forest Systems in the Mediterranean, National Council of Research, 95128 Catania, Italy


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